Workshop to Plan and Integrate Monitoring Program in the North Sea in the 3rd quarter

WKPIMP, the Workshop to Plan and Integrate Monitoring Program in the North Sea in the 3rd quarter took place in Copenhagen, 22-26 February 2016.

​​​​​​​The aim of the workshop is integrating monitoring for fisheries management including the monitoring of changes in productivity of the ecosystem and the impact of fisheries on the ecosystem. The final survey objectives should represent ecosystem function as well as the regulatory needs, and the prioritization follows from both ecosystem function and societal relevance. ​​

The workshop will create a framework for an integrated monitoring programme in the North Sea in the 3rd quarter to address the monitoring and assessment requirements for fisheries, changes in ecosystem productivity, and the impact of fisheries on the environment by:​​

  • Using the current North Sea International Bottom Trawl Survey (NS-IBTS) conditions as a starting point (ship time, temporal and spatial coverage)
  • Taking the current NS-IBTS 3rd quarter obligations (provide information for fish stock assessment) into account
  • Taking the needs as defined by other bodies (EU, ICES groups, OSPAR) into account 
  • Following stepwise approach as described in Annex 5 of WGISUR​ report 2015 
  • Highlight the important principles that have been discovered through this process as guidance for other areas and surveys​

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