Workshop on Synthesis of Hydrographic, Phytoplankton, Microbial Plankton and Zooplankton Time Series in the North Atlantic and Adjacent Seas

The Workshop on Synthesis of Hydrographic, Phytoplankton, Microbial Plankton and Zooplankton Time Series in the North Atlantic and Adjacent Seas (WKSERIES) is organized by WGZE and WGPME.

​​The Zooplankton and the Phytoplankton and Microbial Plankton Status Reports now  cover time-series of 40 and close to 100 sites respectively, located in Western and Eastern North Atlantic, Nordic, Barents, Baltic, North Sea, Northwestern Iberian, and Mediterranean seas. Parallel reports on hydrography also exist. Hence, there is potential for more complex joint analysis of existing time-series data on phytoplankton and other planktonic microbes, zooplankton, hydrography, and climate as summarized in the existing ICES Plankton Status Reports time-series data.

Synthesis of these data provides an opportunity to create a more comprehensive examination of long-term plankton community changes, food web dynamics/shifts and more precise model parametizations. The understanding of the ecosystem change due to climate and anthropogenic impacts may benefit from the multiple time-series analyses. The results of the Workshop will provide ICES with a synthetic pan-regional view of the relationships between the physical, chemical environment and plankton communities in the context of climate change.

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