Working Group on Integrated Assessments of the North Sea



WGINOSEWGINOSETrueMorten D. Skogen, Andrea BelgranoIEASG11/18/2010 1:31:00 PMmorten.skogen@hi.no, andrea.belgrano@slu.se522Working Group on Integrated Assessments of the North Sea

WGINOSE analyses how the natural ecosystem and human activities in the North Sea have changed over time and are expected to change in the future.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The group develops links between the science base of integrated ecosystem assessments (IEA) and ecosystem management advice for the ICES Greater North Sea ecoregion.​ It works towards this goal in cooperation with similar IEA groups within the ACOM/SCICOM Integrated Ecosystem Assessments Steering Group (IEASG), as well as profiting from the input and interaction with other expert groups working on North Sea issues (e.g. assessment groups for North Sea fish stocks, planning group for the International Bottom Trawl Survey etc.). 

The group provides annual status reporting, through the application of statistical analyses, mapping principal activities, and pressures and state indicators operating at the level of the ecoregion's 14 sub-regions. Scenarios for future development of the socio-ecological system are explored using conceptual as well as quantitative ecosystem models which are refined and validated through a process of stakeholder engagement workshops to assess possible outcomes of management actions. These analyses of present and future states are important  contributions to the Greater North S​ea ecosystem overview​

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