ICES Annual Science Conference 2021

ICES in a net-zero emission world

Join us in person or remotely to discuss the future of ICES in a net-zero emission world

​​​​​​What science areas should be a priority to allow government to deliver emission reductions? How will fisheries, fisheries advice and fishery science change in a carbon-neutral world? How can we reduce our own carbon footprint? Join the discussion in this network session. 

Inspired by the growing cries from young climate crisis activists, and noting that net-zero emission legislation is growing in frequency across Europe and globally, this session aims to stimulate a debate as to how ICES and marine science might respond. 

The debate will focus on two areas:

1) What science areas ICES and marine science should focus on in order to help society move towards zero-net emissions, e.g.:

  • Science needed to facilitate the implementation of carbon capture and storage
  • Understanding the basic processes controlling the magnitude and direction of “blue carbon" sequestration
  • Predicting the potential effects of threats, including climate change, on “blue carbon" sequestration rates and stores
  • Science needed to support the further development of the offshore renewable sector (wind, waves and tidal)
  • Science to support carbon emission management in the fishing industry
  • Carbon-reducing marine survey technology, techniques and strategies​

2) How we can reduce our own carbon footprint, e.g.

  • Using remote access to meetings
  • Developing remote ways of establishing professional contacts, networking and team building
  • Consider multi-venue (reducing the need for air travel) science conferences
  • Estimate, record and publish institute-based emission statistics
  • Consider targets for reductions in the emissions of institutes and research groups
  • Share emission saving techniques and measures between marine science institutes and marine scientists

We hope the session will result in a summary report (or paper) to help inform ICES strategic leadership.

​We wish to encourage participation from remote attendees as well as in person – although this will rely on the IT infrastructure available.

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Bill Karp, USA
Bill Turrell, UK
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ICES in a net-zero emission world

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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