Press releases

Press Release - ICES is leading the way to integrated understanding of marine ecosystems

ICES is launching an ambitious new strategic plan, setting itself as a leader in advancing the integrated scientific understanding of marine ecosystems and providing advice on the sustainable use and protection of these ecosystems.
Published: 27 February 2014

The plan presents the direction for the organization over the next five years against the background of a rapidly changing marine science and policy landscape.

"By launching this plan ICES offers a strong, competent, and open scientific community that can support the sustainable management of the seas," said Paul Connolly, ICES President.

"Our goal is to produce integrated advice that is based on innovative science and timely and accurate data while taking into account regional differences. Each regional sea area has unique challenges, and ICES possesses the expertise, experience, and creativity to address these."

ICES has also made a number of strategic choices that will see it develop its science, advisory, and data work on the Arctic and on aquaculture, as well as  enhancing its Training Programme.

The Strategic Plan will be implemented through one associated plan that will outline the Science, Advice, Data and Information, and Secretariat activities over the next five years.  

The ICES Strategic Plan 2014–2018 is now available online, and the official launch will take place at the Norwegian Mission to the EU, in Brussels, Belgium, next Tuesday, 4 March 18:00–20:00. Members of the press are invited to attend.

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Press Release - ICES is leading the way to integrated understanding of marine ecosystems

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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